Monday, August 6, 2012

5 Updates on the Most Intense Obscure Sports from the Olympics (week 1)

The Olympics are awesome because you get to watch and root for sports that generally only the people playing them truly understand. A ref blows a whistle and something happens? Whatever, go USA. 

You've probably heard about Gabby Douglas, Michael Phelps, Lochte, etc., but the obscure needs love too. Here are the top five sports from week one that were the best, most watchable, and most entertaining.

5. Badminton. Like the game your grandmother plays at the old folks home on steroids. Only Gramma would probably have difficulty with the 200 mph smash. Not an exageration. They jump in the air and spike the shuttlecock (gigity), and as soon as they hit it the thing disappears.. Whack, gone, whack, gone, whack. Point. Long points last about ten seconds, and there's plenty of "Hang on, what did I just see?"

And as an example of how much the Koreans and Chinese care about this sport, they were busted for intentionally trying to throw games, and it was obvious. 

USA update: Yeah this is the national sport in Korea...we have no chance. Eliminated early

4. Water Polo. Tread water for 40 minutes with a 6'8 230 pound dude spouting russian swear words and trying to drown you. Rise out of the water and throw a big rubber ball with a knuckling overhand motion. Sure there are rules you don't understand, but the slow motion shots where one guy takes an elbow to the face are pretty intense.

USA update: Awesome. Goal keeper Maril Moses could stop a bullet.

Ivan must break you
3 Judo. Does this look like a bunch of grown men (and women) taking their karate class at the YMCA a bit too seriously? It absolutely does. Maybe its the bath robe. Judo Trip! However I'm going to mention something to you that is going to change your mind about watching judo. Guam heavyweight judo-er Ricardo Blas weighs...ready for it?

Almost 500 pounds. So you're thinking he must be like 7 feet tall and that weight evens out, right? Nope. This guy is 6'1, and WEIGHS 485 POUNDS. The next closest judo competitor in weight is 6'4 and comes in around 300 lbs. That Blas can even stand without his joints shattering is impressive. Now Judo involves flipping or tripping or something like that, but can you imagine trying to throw THAT?

USA update: Won a womens gold, first in US history for Judo.

They make cars now that are lighter than this man

2 Olympic Handball. As best I can describe: Running ball hockey played on a basketball court with a softball sized soccer ball, thrown at a goal about the size of a little kids soccer goal. Strategy involves the 'diving throw' which looks exactly like it sounds. Now I've never played, but wouldn't standing still allow you to throw more accruately? Who cares, dive throw! Oh by the way no dribbling and it's defense is basically a shoving match.

USA update: Not in the tournament, American's everywhere go "What the heck is handball?"

Dive, throw. Dive Throw!

1. Tampoline. Yes, as in the bouncy thing where as a kid you would have sleepovers, get hopped up on Mountain Dew and see if any of your boldest friends could make it on the roof after a tripple bounce from your back yard. Sorry Danny, that may have been a bad idea. Only in Olympic Trampoline they are about 40 feet in the air on each bounce and doing flips/trying to maintain control of their bowels. It's kind of like diving except, you know, not into water.

USA update: Had one olympian in competion, didn't medal

Don't worry, the ground is down there somewhere

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